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Trending words in English

-Published on 09th March 2023 by Oxford School of English-


How Mobile is making you Nomophobic | by Kanishka C | Medium

Meaning: Fear or worry at the idea of being without your mobile phone or being unable to use it.

Example: 'Many people suffering from nomophobia never switch off their mobile phones.'




New words - 4 October 2021 - About Words - Cambridge Dictionary blog

Meaning: A specific type of influencer who focuses on money-related topics.

Example: 'How are Instagram finfluencers shaping the future of investing?'



Shah Rukh Khan's Pune Selfie Going Viral For This Beautiful Girl! - Filmymantra

Meaning:  An overzealous or obsessive fan of a particular celebrity.
This word is made up of two words -- 'Stalker' and 'Fan'.

Example:Everyone knows I stan for Sharukh Khan. 

I'll never stop stanning Taylor Swift.



Team Awesome Sauce - Meet Our Team - YouTube

Meaning: Extremely good; excellent.

Example: My awesomesauce friends in Singapore made sure it was a memorable ...



Are you a SHARENT? Researchers warn doting parents can cause privacy  problems by oversharing their child on social media | Daily Mail Online

Meaning: A parent who regularly uses social media to communicate a lot of detailed information about their child.

This word is made up of two words -- 'Share' and 'Parent'.

Example: If you're going to sharent, be sure to check your privacy


Examples of fitspiration-style images. Photo credit: Shutterstock. |  Download Scientific Diagram

Meaning: A person or thing that serves as motivation for someone to sustain or improve health and fitness.
 This word is made up of two words -- 'Fitness' and 'Inspiration'.

Example:  Her story gave me all the fitspiration I needed to get into the gym.




Meaning: Used as an adjective to describe something that you might not want others to explicitly know.

Example: 'I am low-key happy that the class was cancelled.'


Scientists Confirm Feeling “Hangry” is a Real Thing | Technology Networks

Meaning: Bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger.

Example: 'I was hangry yesterday when Adventure Island was closed.'




Meaning: A virtual reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users.

Essentially, it offers the chance for you to ‘live’ within a digital universe. You’ll be able to play, learn, shop, game and more, all from the comfort of your own home.

Example: He imagines computer users interacting in a simulated three-dimensional world called the Metaverse




Meaning: When a relationship can be described as more than friends but less than a couple.

A situationship is a romantic relationship that's undefined or uncommitted. It may be based on convenience or short-term circumstances.

Example: I'm trying to turn our situationship into something more serious.'

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