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How to make sentences from one phrase

-Published on 10th March 2023 by Oxford School of English-

1. It’s my turn to 


अब मेरी बरी है येह करने की I

  • It’s my turn to present my ideas.
  • It’s my turn to pay the bill.
  • It’ my turn to roll the dice.

2. I'm looking for 

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में किसी को ढून्ढ रहा हु I

  • I'm looking for a room on rent.
  • I'm looking for a way out
  • I'm looking for Rahul to meet. 
  • I'm looking for my spectacles. 

3. It's very kind of you to …….

I Don't Know" Is One Of The Most Powerful Things You Can Say

कुछ  कहा  नहीं  जा  सकता I

  • There is no telling what he may do when he gets angry.
  • There is no telling when he may come.
  • There is no telling what may happen. 
  • There is no telling what the future will hold for them

6. How come + subject + verb


ऐसा  कैसे  हो  सकता  है I

  • How come I wasn't told?
  • How come Rahul is still here? 
  • How come you never asked me what happened?
  • How come he studied pretty hard and failed?

7. Subject + could have + verb 3rd form


ऐसा  कर  सकते  थे I

  • You could have run me over!
  • It's not funny! Someone could have been hurt.
  • I could have won, but I goofed up.
  • I don't think we could have won without you. 

8. There is something wrong with + Noun

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कुछ  गड़बड़  है I

  • There is something wrong with the pump. It must have been clogged up with dirt again.
  • It sounds like there is something wrong with Rahul's breathing.
  • I would humbly suggest that there is something wrong here.
  • There is something wrong with my radio. Could you see to it for me?

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